Friday (June 18th) - My Grad Party at Jen & Thomas'
- Youssef and I run around trying to break into his storage unit so we could get his DJ equipment, but no luck. He lost his key and the guy at Stoney Creek wouldn't let us in. But, it wouldn't have mattered either way because the power was out at Jens house. We brainstorm and decide on lots of candles and some generators.
So, when Youssef and I show up everyone is hanging out in the front yard. Luckily Bryan Gee is there to pull his car into the driveway and play some jams. After awhile, pretty much the entire front yard was packed with people. Finally some generators show up and we are able to have light in the back yard. So, the party moves back there and Bryan brings his car back there to once again, supply the jams.
I could NOT believe how many people were there. I think there was at least 100 people there. My work friends were there, friends from high school, my Redlands friends, my school friends!, etc. It was such an amazing turnout and with NO drama. The vibe couldn't have been better.
I was ELATED to see so many of my friends. Some I hadn't seen in YEARS like Lauren Easley (made my night). And ZION! So awesome. Thank you guys for coming! I received two amazing cards (from Dave Chadwick & Nolan Walker) AND a Cyndi Lauper vinyl from Bryan Bruce - so sweet of you guys! ...oh and not to mention bud light from Alysia and Monique & Jordan :) I can't even begin to express how happy my heart was that night. I LOVE YOU ALL! <3
Saturday (June 19th) - My family gets to town!
- My Dad, Stepmom, my two brothers (Nolan & Spencer) and my sister (Marlyse) got to town around 2ish. I got ready and we went to an early dinner at Olive Garden. Before dinner, I take Marlyse to Stater Bros. for contact lens juice hahaha. It was so much fun. Then to dinner. I just love my family all so much. Nolan made his "thats what she said" jokes and we had so many good laughs. When we got back to our hotel, Nolan, Marlyse & I had our own room and we just watched an Entourage marathon on HBO and pretty much fell asleep.
Sunday (June 20th) - GRADUATION
- Wake up around 9 and head home to get ready for my big day. I WAS going to go early to meet up with friends at the Rustic, but opted not to. So, I get ready and Jen comes over and we hang in my room while I get ready. Then my family and Jess get to my house, so we take off. I drove my car because my family had some stops to make beforehand. So, me, Jen, Jess & my sister Marlyse drive to graduation in my car. THIS was honestly one of the best times of the whole weekend. It was just so fun having my three favorite girls in my car with me, listening to music, singing and laughing on the way to graduation. It was so much fun.

So, we get there and I head to line up. I run into Christian and Sean luckily and we line up. Before we knew it...we were walking out. THAT part was so surreal to me for some reason. Just hearing the graduation music and walking out in front of that big crowd all cheering for us was insane. The ceremony was so BORING and Christian and I had to go to the bathroom so we got up in the middle of the ceremony and walked out in front of everyone to go to the bathroom. It was kind of silly. Everyone was looking at us, but we did it! Not too much longer after we got to our seat ...we were being called up to go up on stage. Our names were called and we walked the line. It was so amazing. I will never forget it as long as I live. I'm so glad I was able to sit with Christian & Sean too. Love those dudes!

After the ceremony, Christian and I have a celebratory beer at his car. It was official - we were now college graduates! Then , we headed off to meet up with our families :)
I took pictures with everyone. All the combinations we could possibly take, lol. I'm so happy that all the people truly care the most about were there.

Then, we head to BJ's for dinner. My aunt Cathy had it all set up. Balloons, cake, etc. So nice. Dinner was great. James Folmer even came and made the sweetest toast to me that included Ryan <3 I wish he could have been there. But, I know he was looking down on me that day. Dinner was great. I was able to sit between my mom and dad. I think I've only done that a small hand full of times in my life.
The car rides with my three favorite girls were the best !
After dinner, we went back to the hotel. Nolan, Marlyse & I had SO much fun. We were just being SILLY and making so many jokes! That was one of the best times I've had with those two. Love them...and Spencer. My siblings are my heart!