i feel like i am starting another chapter of my life. even though you are technically considered an adult when you turn 18, i have never really felt like an adult until now. my first 23 years of life were lived somewhat carelessly. i loved and lost a lot and didn't necessarily know how to deal with that in the best way.
entering my 24th year of life, i feel like i have accomplished a pretty good amount of things thus far. i have my associates degree in liberal studies. i am working on my bachelors in graphic design with a minor in marketing (and i only have like TEN classes left)! and i even scored an AWESOME internship doing exaaactly what i LOVE - working in baseball and doing graphic design.
i think i've dwelled in the negative a lot and not stopped and realized how much i really have going for me and how GOOD of a person i really am! i sell myself short all too much and put myself down in my mind because that's how people have made me feel. but i know better now.
i AM a good person with a HUGE heart.
i AM intelligent, witty, and funny.
i LOVE the ones i call friends and would do anything for them and they know it.
i truly appreciate everything i have and am happy to be where i am today. i don't take back any bad experience or negative thing i've been through in my life because they have shaped me and made me the woman i am today.
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