My day today consisted of:

. waking up on 5 hours of sleep (because i stayed up late studying)
. barely making it to class on time because everywhere was sold out of blue books
. midterm at 10am
. took care of a bunch of business at school during my break (turned in papers, checked on some things, etc.)
. grabbed some chipotle, came home & ate real quick
. went back to school to meet with johnny, travis & tim to go over our presentation.
. class started at 2. had our presentation at 3
. got outta class, went to staples for glossy paper.
. ate dinner, relaxed for a minute
. worked on my graphic design project that's due tomorrow for hours
. took a break to set up my new printer & clean my room (which turned into an hour long process).
. then worked on my project again.
it is now 12am and i am EXHAUSTED. i give up. i'll finish in the AM. i NEED SLEEP!!!
can't wait for june.
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